Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Caffeine -- Today I switch to Decaf.

Today I switch to decaf.

Caffeine is my vice. More than smoking or pizza or anything else. It's caffeine.

Here's some research I've found about caffeine's pros and cons:

Mark's Daily Apple: Grab a coffee or some tea. Caffeine, used intermittently and in moderation, is a good temporary pick me up. Plus, the antioxidants in tea can’t hurt. Just watch the sugar.

Caffeine, as we mentioned in our Caffeine Talk post, can decrease blood flow to the heart during exercise and can increase blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. Additionally, if you’re more caffeine sensitive, it can cause heartburn and even increase your risk for non-fatal cardiac events.

Coffee / Tea /Caffeine Talk

Caffeine Buzz(kill)
Much like sugar, caffeine is only a temporary fix for sapped energy. To give yourself a boost - without quitting caffeine cold turkey - try switching your morning mocha for a cup of green tea. With about a quarter the amount of caffeine as your average cup of Joe, green tea also contains catachins, a natural stimulant that boosts central nervous system activity to increase energy levels and fight fatigue. Can’t quit coffee? Try to stick to just two or three cups per day and be sure to stay caffeine free after noon.

Avoid the stimulant cycle.

Caffeine, sugar, alcohol. Caffeine, sugar, alcohol. Many of us get trapped in the stimulant cycle. These substances temporarily give you a lift, but actually deplete and blunt valuable hormones in the long run. If you like caffeine, try to limit your java intake to one or two cups a day at the most. The same for alcohol. I recommend avoiding sugar completely.

How to Give up Coffee

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