Day 1
Hang Snatch/Snatch/Snatch
15 2x3
20 1x3
30 2x3
hang clean/clean/clean
65lb 1x3
75 2x3
85 2x3
95 3x1
Snatch High Pull
45 2x3
Front Squats
95 lb
Day Two:
Snatch (Thigh, Knee, shin)
15 lb 2x3
20 lb 1x3
25 lb 1x3
30 lb 2x3
Clean (Thigh, Knee, shin)
65lbs 1x3
75 2x3
85 2x3
95 3x1
Deadlift 100 lb
What is the Meat and Fruit Diet?
1 year ago